Category: Blog


Perception is the ability to see, hear or become aware of something through the senses. The process, act, or faculty of perceiving. Any insight, intuition, or knowledge gained by perceiving. So perception is the input that creates our experience of the world around us. How we see and hear (perceive) what is happening in our


When you look up clairvoyance, the definition is preceded by the word supposed, claimed ability, or claiming to have the power to perceive things that are out of the natural range of human senses, attributed to certain individuals. It is true that some individuals are more adept at utilizing their clairvoyant ability and even appear

Who Are WE

Who are we or maybe I should ask what are we? There is no one answer as to who or even what we are. According to Britannica dictionary, science labels us as human-beings, a culture -bearing primate classified as Homo Sapiens who are anatomically similar and related to the great apes. Humans are distinguished by


The energy of gratitude is a wonderful vibration that can work wonders for your attitude and physical well-being. Technically gratitude is recognizing  the value of favorable things or positive life experiences that we did not request or work for. Gratitude is a feeling of appreciation for a service provided for us. I find the gratitude


Prosperity represents different things to different people at different times in their life. For me personally being happy is the most prosperous thing I could hope for 20 years ago. Now that I am happy and have been for more than 10 years I can attest to the fact that I have everything that I


Intuition is a natural ability that can be developed and honed to a fine skill. Intuition is the sixth sense, that gut feeling, when you just know something, even if you don’t know how you know it. Intuition can be developed and  one can learn to trust their intuit input. It is like other skills