Category: Blog


The word manifest has so many different meanings in the English language that it can be confusing. I use the word in a spiritual, metaphysical context, where manifest means to demonstrate, to prove as in revealing or bringing into form. When we seek to manifest something it is to project or bring into being something


Fear can be a silent thief that blocks our creativity. We are all aware of the in your face kind of fear that activates the fight or flight response. It is the silent fear that is stored in our subconscious that creates the most havoc in our life. The fear of failure, of being unworthy,

Some benefits of meditation

Many people are studying the benefits of meditation. Meditation and focused concentration facilitates a connection with your higher consciousness and enlightened spiritual awareness. This enlightenment raises your vibrational frequency which is reflected in your physical environment, your reality. We create our perception of the world around us with our thought process and how we perceive


Fear can be a silent thief that steals our happiness and blocks our creativity. We are all aware of the “in your face” fear that activates the fight or flight reaction, but it is the silent, invisible fear that is stored in our subconscious that creates the most havoc in our life. The fear of


We all have thoughts and most of them are random that arise without our choosing, thoughts that just surface. Thoughts can be beneficial if they are predominately positive, but if they are mostly negative they can have a major effect on our attitude about life and how we view the world. Thoughts can trigger emotions


Self-control, an executive function, is an aspect of inhibitory control which is the ability to regulate one’s emotions, thoughts, and behaviors in the presence of temptations and impulses. Self-control is a cognitive process that regulates one’s behavior and is necessary to control one’s behavior to avoid undesirable temptations,  destructive impulses and achieve one’s goals. It